Banana Surprise. :) Yes, I get notified, but I checked the box about receiving emails for new comments to this post when I left my original comment. Hope that helps!
Our children keep us busy but they also keep us entertained! We are thankful every day for everything God has bestowed upon us, and we blog so that we can share it all with you!
I mean, really. Who needs a FMG membership? Add a little splash water table and you could charge people to come over. Genius.
Precious, precious child.
I see now,'s all about how you spin it! Banana Surprise!
p.s. When I comment after you comment, do you get notified? Just curious.
Banana Surprise. :) Yes, I get notified, but I checked the box about receiving emails for new comments to this post when I left my original comment. Hope that helps!
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